了解Ins & 租赁医疗办公空间的问题

A medical office lease differs from a traditional office lease in a number of important ways. 对于初学者来说, doctors tend to remain in their offices longer than other professionals, so if you are on the hunt for new office space, you likely want to try to find one that will serve the needs of your medical practice well into the future.此外, as doctors and other providers increasingly compete for patients, many of them prefer to avoid setting up shop in existing hospitals. Instead, they choose to occupy spaces that are more convenient and accessible for patients. Regardless of whether you choose to lease office space on or off of a hospital campus, there are certain elements to consider before signing on the dotted line.

Because leasing brokers typically have their own interests to protect during the medical leasing process, you may find that it benefits you tremendously to have a tenant representative who can advocate on your behalf. This professional may also help you navigate the complexities associated with selecting and setting up your medical office, taking into account considerations that might include:

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Not every doctor’s office follows a typical 9-5 schedule. Your practice may provide after-hours or urgent care services, 例如, meaning you need to consider when and how you can access a particular medical office before leasing it. 类似的, if you plan to use your office space outside of standard business hours, you will need to determine whether utilities are still accessible, 如果是这样的话, whether there will be any additional costs associated with using them outside of normal hours. 


机会是, your clinic or practice is going to produce potentially hazardous materials and biomedical waste, and you cannot simply dispose of these substances in the same manner you would standard trash. 在你租用医疗办公室之前, make sure your lease makes stipulations with regard to proper waste disposal procedures.  


Typical commercial leases often grant landlords the ability to access the leased space to make repairs, 主持演出等等. 当你经营医疗办公室的时候, 虽然, you may need to limit how and when your landlord can access the space to protect patient privacy.


作为护理人员, it may serve you well to find out whether your medical lease makes any stipulations regarding exclusive use. An exclusive use provision essentially prohibits your landlord from renting other space in the same property to a provider that directly competes with you. 例如, 如果你是儿科医生, the landlord may be unwilling to lease space to you if another pediatrician is already in the building.

在你签医疗办公室租约之前, make sure to do your due diligence to ensure your lease properly fits your needs while protecting your interests. Having an informed tenant representative from 加拿大28app苹果ios版 assist you through the process can help you avoid substantial expense or hardship down the line. 如需帮助,请拨打623.972.1184 or 在网上联系.

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